
Welcome to Life With Mickey!

If you want things done right, you do them the Disney way! I have always felt that way and I haven’t been disappointed yet. Over the years of Disney fun, vacations, and research, we got to know tricks and secrets and how to save money and we have so much to share that I am offering this resource portal for all Disney fans out there.

Check out Mickey Mom’s (b)Log for my blog entries from a mom’s perspective with all the helpful planning information, and a special section on tips, tricks, and discounts that will be maintained as timely as possible, to make your way to Disney as affordable, fun, and seamless as possible.

Have fun exploring, and please let me know if you have any questions or anything to add by contacting me here!

Go ahead! Wish upon a star! Watch your dreams come true.

Life With Mickey is not an official site of The Walt Disney Company or any of its affiliates. Content of Life With Mickey belongs to its writers. Website content may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of Life With Mickey.